Thursday, 13 April 2017


INTRODUCTION THE CHILDHOOD STAGE The study of child development is important because adult personality is development in childhood what we are and what we do as adult is largely determined by the experiences and inevitable evened of our childhood. The childhood stage starts from both to onced of adolescence then we differentiate between early and rate childhood in physical and cognitive development. 1--PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: there is slow increase in weight and height during the late childhood physiologically the girls at the age of 11 are a full year a head of the boys, shading of milk growth of permariet teeth, flathering of fore head, sharpening of the nose, broadening of the chest, motor skills develop through the following are the mixed change increaremanual dexterterity, increased strength increase resistance to fatigue accuracy and endurance increase strength, increase resistance to figure accuracy and endurance increase in relation to games. 2—SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: it is the period when children form peer group of their own members of the peer groups constitute a very important agent of socrazation. It is the period of unruliness in school and home; complaints of disobedience are highest in percentage during this period there is sex difference in play activities, girls play with girls and boys with boys. Children take interest in group games, boys and girls form their group the child becomes more cooperative and outgoing, the child associated more with peer group. 3—EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: antirty is some of the most regular and power-full traits expressed by individual at this stage anxiety is closely related to the emotion of fear, in children especially between the age of 6 and 8 anxiety seems to be related to some kind of external even the become anxias when they are treated by their parents, teacher and significant others physical harm from strange animals thunderstorms and darkness can create fear anger is caused by thwarting teasing, making unfarariable comparisons with other children, interruption of activities in progress, ridicute by peers or elders and negligence, while parental favoritism cause jealously in childhood. Jay pleasures love, curiosity, grief and affection appear in childhood. 4—SOCIAL AND EMITIONAL DEVELOPMENT: the child from numerous social behavior and skills at this stage he now begins to widen his relationship and lesson the excessive depence on the manner. Things like greeting in a culturally approved manners, respect for elders and constituted authority is developed n a pre-school he finds himself competing for the attention of the adults with others. Expressions of sympathy and offers of help are fond more commonly in the social behavior of enly childhood. The children become more positive and assertive in their interaction with each other. 5—INTERLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT: Intellectual development can be thought of in terms of qualitative change that take places in children as they increase in chronological age. They are better able to cope with more complex and different kinds of concepts the theory of cognitive (intellectual) development of jean piaget is perhaps one of the most influential and elaborate attempt to describe and explain the development of rational through processes in children Q2—DISCUSS THE EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION OF STUDY OF HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 1-- STUDING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT HELPS YOU BETTER UNDERSTAND YOURSELF: ones so learning more about how children growth and development can provide additional insight in the person you have come. Studying growth and development can also help you learn more about your future by understanding the again process you be better prepared when you face issues associated with growth older. 2-- HELPS YOU LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN: whether you are a parent or planning to become one in the future studying human growth and development can teach you a great deal about your children in auditing to learning things that can make you a better parent, you can gain greater insight into how your children behave, think, learn and feel. Development is a complex process so learning more about how kids grow physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively can lead to a Deeper understanding of kids of all ages. 3-- YOU’LL BETTER UNDERSTANDING HOW TO INERACT WITH KIDS: if you plan on having children or working with them at some point studding human Growth and Development can greatly improve your ability to interact with kids. 4-- YOU’LL GAIN a GREATHER APPRECIATION OF DEVELOPMENT THROUGHOUT LIFE: when we think of human growth and development it’s easy to think of it as a process that is largely complete once we hit early adulthood. It is important to realize however that development is an ongoing process that continues all throughout life. As you enter adulthood navigate middle age and face the on-set of old age having a greater understanding of how people continue to grow and change as they get older can help you appreciate and manage all the stages of your life. 5-- IT ALLOWS US TO UNDERSTAND WHATS NORMAL AND WHATS NOT: another important reason to study growth and development is that you can gain a greater understanding of what is normal while every person is a little but different human develop tends to follow a remarkably predictable pattern once you have studied growth and development you know perhaps most importantly studying human growth and development makes it easier to spot possible signs of trouble. REFERENCE -Psychology for asabe mamma (second edition)


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